Beyond the wonderment that is Soul II Soul's 1989 hit, this weekend was definitely a reality check about how much I need to stay on top of my class readings and assignments - and then make sure I follow-up at office hours when I'm unclear about something.
I spent about 10 hours on two assignments, an efficiency rate I'm not pleased with, but even worse, my grasp on some of the key aspects covered in those assignments felt pretty tenuous (e.g., properly redistributing censored data and corresponding weights for survival; confidently determining when/if relative risks v. odds ratios should be calculated based on the study design and data provided). With midterms right around the corner, I better get my nonsensically-studious Nancy cap on.
Today I learned...
A really annoying R quirk that cost me time and a sliver of sanity - it turns out that installing the library plyr overules the command group_by (even if you reinstall dplyr), continously leaving me only one row of summary statistics instead of said measures by group. I got so frustated I switched over to Stata to complete a portion of my biostatistics homework, rebooted my computer, and eventually Googled the error...which of course immediately gave me the answer (i.e., detach the plyr library).
Perhaps should be an addendum: shockingly, despite ~3.5 weeks of graduate school, today I learned Google's debugging capacities remain superior to mine.
Today I'm grateful for...
Sleeping in until 8:30 am with a sweet yellow lab spoon by my side. Apparently I needed the ~11 hours of sleep - and well, a warm snuggle body is always a bonus.
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