Yesterday, I got my first professional rejection in a long time.
Well, technially I wasn't formally rejected; it was a rejection by omission by waiting for a potential email of good news, never receiving it, and then learning at least one person did in fact receive said email of good news. Horrifyingly, I questioned whether something was wrong with the UW email server before realizing I just didn't make the cut; I'm still shaking my head at such a presumption.
I'm not exactly sure why this one stung so much. Maybe it's because I haven't applied for a 'reach' position for awhile. Maybe it's because I'm feeling a bit more vulnerable in grad school, as I spend most of my days trying to tackle concepts and skills I either don't know or I'm expressly not great at yet. Maybe it's because I never got the opportunity to really show who I am or what I can offer in person - me on paper wasn't enough. Maybe it simply feels crappy and that's just how it is.
After some tears were spilled and beers were swilled, I'm feeling moderately better - and extremely motivated to figure out next steps for this summer. I know this rejection is likely to be the beginning of many more, but that's because I'm determined to keep putting myself out there and reaching for the proverbial global health stars.
Today I learned...
A lot more about Kamala Harris's political positions and background. In other words, I woke up at 2 am last night, couldn't get back to sleep for awhile, and read a lot of Vox articles.
Today I'm grateful for...
The people who can be both supportive and candidly put everything in perspective. That's a tough balance to achieve, and I'm grateful I have a lot of those people in my life.
Today's best part...
Seeing how much Copper, the dog I'm dog-sitting for the next week-plus, is warming up to me. That and he intently listened to my "Stay" commands at mealtimes. It feels like we're settling into a happy little routine.
Well, technially I wasn't formally rejected; it was a rejection by omission by waiting for a potential email of good news, never receiving it, and then learning at least one person did in fact receive said email of good news. Horrifyingly, I questioned whether something was wrong with the UW email server before realizing I just didn't make the cut; I'm still shaking my head at such a presumption.
I'm not exactly sure why this one stung so much. Maybe it's because I haven't applied for a 'reach' position for awhile. Maybe it's because I'm feeling a bit more vulnerable in grad school, as I spend most of my days trying to tackle concepts and skills I either don't know or I'm expressly not great at yet. Maybe it's because I never got the opportunity to really show who I am or what I can offer in person - me on paper wasn't enough. Maybe it simply feels crappy and that's just how it is.
After some tears were spilled and beers were swilled, I'm feeling moderately better - and extremely motivated to figure out next steps for this summer. I know this rejection is likely to be the beginning of many more, but that's because I'm determined to keep putting myself out there and reaching for the proverbial global health stars.
Today I learned...
A lot more about Kamala Harris's political positions and background. In other words, I woke up at 2 am last night, couldn't get back to sleep for awhile, and read a lot of Vox articles.
Today I'm grateful for...
The people who can be both supportive and candidly put everything in perspective. That's a tough balance to achieve, and I'm grateful I have a lot of those people in my life.
Today's best part...
Seeing how much Copper, the dog I'm dog-sitting for the next week-plus, is warming up to me. That and he intently listened to my "Stay" commands at mealtimes. It feels like we're settling into a happy little routine.
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