Thursday, October 18, 2018

Non-student homework? Job/career "assignments" for your future

Before I tuck into homework of the school variety, I wanted to share some job/career "homework assignments" I recently resent to a number of people.

What - job homework? These "assignments" were given to me in ~2015 when I was trying to make some tough job decisions and thus potential career trajectories. I was massively struggling to pin down what I really wanted, and well, these homework assignments came in. The people who gave me these assignments knew that (1) I'd take doing this "homework" seriously since I like completing tasks; and (2) this format could help me drill down to what was most important to me, individually, versus what I was perceiving as important to a lot of other people. I now have people I mentor or friends who are trying to figure out their next steps complete these job/career "homework assignments," so they're truly the gifts that keep on giving.

Job homework #1
a) I love my job because...
b) I want my job to be...
c) I don't want my job to be...
d) I wish my job was...
e) If I had my dream job, I would put up with...
f) What are your dealbreaks: what I have to do, what I won't do...

Job/career homework #2
Identify 5-7 jobs that currently exist and I would want to have in 5-10 years, and then detail why I wanted them/what skills I could bring today to the positions; what I needed to gain skill or experience-wise to be qualified for those jobs in the next 5-10 years; and any other information that's pertinent. I completed this assignment by filling out a spreadsheet with the following columns: Timing; Position; Organization; Why I'd be good at it; What I'm currently lacking/I need; Pros; Cons; Any other notes; Link to position or current person who has it.

Feel free to take either of these "homeworks" or share them with your colleagues, friends, and/or mentees!

Today I learned...
The difference between odds (counts of events/counts of non-events) and probability (counts of events/all counts) - EPI512 is so enlightening! (Seriously!)

Today I'm grateful for...
Falko, a wonderful friend/colleague IHME who always puts a smile on my face (and/or a very loud burst of laughter amid all of the cubicles). He truly make me ful(l) of grate.

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