Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Visualize this

And here's the world's worst data visualization, per Edward Tufte in Visual Display of Quantitative Information and presented by Chris Adolph, our phenomenal professor in CS&SS569. All of that chart-junk for no more than five data points - such malarkey!

I think - I hope - I'm settling into a better routine for class/homework/studying/work/life. The Google tasks list is really helping for checking off things and easily being able to refer to what I need to do over the next few days. Over the weekend I need to do a bit more on getting readings organized (and completed), reviewing some of the class material from this week, and of course two coding assignments...yep, the grad school train never ends.

Today I learned...
Apparently I'm the number #1 social media disseminator of results from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) (or at least those can be linked to IHME) after the @IHME_UW handle itself. Who knew.

Today I'm grateful for...
Having two functional, healthy legs that let me walk all around campus, between class and work, and to/from bus stops and home. Since leaving my old job for a 2-month break this summer and starting grad school in September, I consistently average 2,000 to 4,000 more steps per day than I had in months (source: iPhone heart-shaped app thing). The main driver of this trend is having class every day, and then foot-motoring myself all over campus, the U district, etc. I know I'm very fortunate to be able to walk around all over the place like I do; beyond my legs and health, where I live and go to school really allows me to do this - and I'm grateful for that.

Today's best part...
Was two-fold: (1) Vasudha returning to work from her 3-week trip in India (her brother got married); and (2) catching up with my friend Jess, who hasn't been in Seattle for more than a few beats since December 7. I missed/miss both of these lovely women, and I was so happy to see/chat with them.

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